버전 기록

새로운 기능

새로운 기능, 수정 사항 및 기타 개선 사항에 대한 최신 버전 및 업데이트 정보를 확인하세요.

버전 10.9.0

10월 31일


  • PDFelement V10.9.0을 소개합니다 – AI로 구동되는 최고의 스마트 PDF 솔루션!
  • PDF에 AI의 힘을 활용해보세요! 리뉴얼된 홈페이지: (1) 홈페이지 디자인을 개편하여 최신 웹 트렌드를 반영했습니다. (2) 프로그램 시작 시 최근 파일을 바로 볼 수 있습니다.
  • 아웃라인 모드 최적화: (1) 각 줄의 왼쪽에 있는 '점'을 클릭하면 설정 패널 기능이 열리고 텍스트 스타일을 빠르게 설정할 수 있습니다. (2) 내보내기 인터페이스는 미리보기 개요 모드 보기를 지원합니다.
  • 노드 편집기 리팩토링: (1) 노드 편집기 리팩토링은 편집 성능을 크게 향상시킵니다. (2) 기본 렌더링 방법을 최적화하고, 노드 편집 중에 테마의 실시간 동적 레이아웃을 지원합니다.
  • AI PPT 생성: (1) 마인드 맵을 PPT로 변환하거나 AI가 자동으로 PPT를 생성하도록 지원합니다. (2) 2차 편집을 위한 PPTX 소스 파일 다운로드를 지원하고, 20가지 유형의 PPT 테마 템플릿 전환이 가능합니다.
  • AI 파일 분석: (1) 파일을 업로드하기만 하면 AI 도구가 알아서 마인드 맵을 생성합니다. (2) 텍스트, 이미지, 테이블 PDF 및 기타 형식을 포함한 여러 구문 분석 형식을 지원합니다.
  • 마인드 맵을 오디오로 변환 AI도구는 마인드 맵 전체를 지능적으로 요약한 뒤 클릭 한 번으로 오디오 형식으로 변환합니다.
  • 마인드 맵을 비디오 (mp4)로 변환 마인드 맵은 동영상 변환을 지원하며 이미지를 통해 정보를 더욱 생생하게 전달할 수 있도록 지원합니다!
  • 기타 최적화: (1) 작업 추적을 보다 효율적으로 할 수 있도록 To-Do 기능을 추가했습니다. (2) 마크다운 형식 내보내기 그리고 txt, pos/pof 및 km 파일 가져오기를 지원합니다. (3) 클라우드 파일 일괄 작업을 지원합니다.
  • PDFelement V10.9.0으로 업그레이드하고 이제 비교할 수 없는 수준의 AI 기반 효율성과 생산성을 수용하십시오! 참고: 영구 라이센스 사용자의 경우 PDFelement 10으로 업그레이드하는 데 추가 비용이 청구될 수 있습니다.

버전 10.0.0

8월 17일


  • PDFelement V10을 소개합니다 – AI로 구동되는 최고의 스마트 PDF 솔루션!
  • PDF에 AI의 힘을 활용해보세요! 맞춤형 지원 경험: AI와의 맞춤형 상호작용에 참여하여 귀하의 고유한 선호도에 맞는 맞춤형 지원과 프롬프트를 받으세요.
  • AI 기반 문서 전문 지식: AI의 광범위한 지식에 액세스하여 모든 PDF 관련 문의를 정확하게 해결하세요. 세션을 원활하게 시작하고 액세스하여 세션 기록을 쉽게 추적할 수 있습니다.
  • 완벽한 PDF를 위한 AI 터치업: 손쉽게 문서의 결점을 확보하고 한 번의 클릭으로 가치 있는 개선 제안을 교정하고 받아보세요.
  • 간편한 글로벌 번역: 문서를 원활하게 번역하여 전 세계 사용자의 가독성을 높입니다.
  • 몰입형 AI 읽기 모드: 참여도를 새로운 차원으로 끌어올리는 AI 지원 독서 경험에 푹 빠져보세요. 간소화된 AI 요약: 콘텐츠 요약을 위한 간단하고 효율적인 프로세스를 즐겨보세요.
  • 포괄적인 PDF 기능의 세계를 공개하세요! 고급 전자 서명: 클라우드, 모바일 및 데스크톱 플랫폼 전반에서 쉽게 전자 서명을 요청, 추적 및 적용합니다. 향상된 PDF 관리: 최근 PDF에 신속하게 액세스하여 최근 폴더 내 구성을 단순화합니다..
  • 최적화된 압축 효율성: 문서 압축 효율성을 10% 향상시키기 위해 압축 기능을 극대화합니다.
  • 원활한 문서 렌더링: 원활하고 시각적으로 즐거운 보기를 위해 향상된 문서 렌더링을 경험해 보세요.
  • 자동 북마크 생성: 북마크를 자동으로 감지 및 생성하여 손쉽게 탐색할 수 있습니다.
  • 맞춤형 페이지 크기 옵션: 특정 페이지 범위에 대한 지원을 제공하고 페이지 크기를 표준화하며 빠른 미리 보기 효과를 제공합니다.
  • 손쉬운 배치 작업: PDF 파일 크기를 줄이고 다양한 형식의 PDF를 더욱 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다.
  • 현대적인 경험을 위한 최첨단 UI 시각적 우수성: 시각적 상호 작용을 재정의하는 최첨단 UI 디자인에 푹 빠져보세요.
  • 통합된 시각적 디자인: 새로운 제품 UI는 Windows와 Mac에서 모두 원활하게 작동하여 여러 장치에서 일관된 시각적 효과를 보장하고 다중 장치 사용자의 학습 곡선을 줄여줍니다.
  • 적응형 탐색 모음: 원하는 대로 왼쪽 탐색 모음을 접거나 오른쪽 탐색 모음을 고정하여 읽기 영역을 맞춤설정하세요.
  • PDFelement V10으로 업그레이드하고 이제 비교할 수 없는 수준의 AI 기반 효율성과 생산성을 수용하십시오! 참고: 영구 라이센스 사용자의 경우 PDFelement 10으로 업그레이드하는 데 추가 비용이 청구될 수 있습니다.

버전 9.5.13

7월 7일

개선 사항

  • 최적화된 병합 경험;
  • 최적화된 번역 환경;
  • 많은 작은 세부 사항의 수정 및 개선;
  • 특정 상황에서 발생할 수 있는 충돌 문제 해결.
  • 참고: 번역 기능이 AI 지원으로 전환되었습니다. 계속 사용하시려면 최신 버전으로 업그레이드하세요.

버전 9.5.6

5월 19일


  • [새로운 기능] 강력한 AI 비서인 Lumi를 여러분께 소개합니다. 콘텐츠 요약 및 설명, 교정, AI 작성 감지 그리고 다시 쓰는 것을 도울 수 있습니다.
  • 원본 콘텐츠를 AI로 강화되거나 재작성된 콘텐츠로 대체하도록 지원합니다.
  • AI Assistant 플로트 패널 지원.

개선 사항

  • AI 생성 콘텐츠 탐지 최적화;
  • PDF 문서 또는 단락 내용의 AI 요약 최적화;
  • 단락 내용의 AI 교정 최적화;
  • 단락 내용의 AI 재작성 최적화;
  • 단락 또는 단어 의미에 대한 AI 설명 최적화;
  • 많은 작은 세부 사항에 대한 수정 및 개선;
  • 특정 상황에서 발생할 수 있는 충돌 문제를 해결합니다.

버전 9.5.5

5월 13일


  • [새로운 기능] 강력한 AI 비서인 Lumi를 여러분께 소개합니다. 콘텐츠 요약 및 설명, 교정, AI 작성 감지 그리고 다시 쓰는 것을 도울 수 있습니다;
  • AI Assistant 플로트 패널 지원;
  • 콘텐츠 지우개를 지원합니다.

개선 사항

  • AI 생성 콘텐츠 감지 최적화;
  • PDF 문서 또는 단락 내용의 AI 요약 최적화;
  • 단락 내용의 AI 교정을 최적화;
  • 단락 내용의 AI 재작성 최적화;
  • 단락 또는 단어 의미에 대한 AI 설명 최적화;
  • PDF를 이미지 기반 PDF로 변환 지원;
  • 많은 작은 세부 사항의 수정 및 개선;
  • 특정 상황에서 발생할 수 있는 충돌 문제 해결.

버전 9.5.3

4월 13일


  • [새로운 기능] 강력한 AI 비서인 Lumi를 여러분께 소개합니다. 콘텐츠 요약 및 설명, 교정, AI 작성 감지 그리고 다시 쓰는 것을 도울 수 있습니다;
  • AI 생성 콘텐츠 감지 지원;
  • PDF를 이미지 기반 PDF로 변환 지원.

개선 사항

  • PDF 문서 또는 단락 내용의 AI 요약 최적화;
  • 단락 내용의 AI 교정 최적화;
  • 단락 내용의 AI 재작성 최적화;
  • 단락 또는 단어 의미에 대한 AI 설명 최적화;
  • 많은 작은 세부 사항의 수정 및 개선;
  • 특정 상황에서 발생할 수 있는 충돌 문제 해결.

버전 9.5.0

3월 31일


  • PDF 문서 또는 단락 내용 요약을 위한 AI 기반 지원;
  • 단락 콘텐츠 교정을 위한 AI 기반 지원;
  • 단락 콘텐츠 재작성을 위한 AI 기반 지원;
  • 단락이나 단어의 의미를 설명하기 위한 AI 기반 지원.

개선 사항

  • 제품 구매 체험 최적화;
  • 저장 환경 최적화;
  • 많은 작은 세부 사항의 수정 및 개선;
  • 특정 상황에서 발생할 수 있는 충돌 문제 해결.

버전 9.4.2

2월 17일


  • ChatGPT를 기반으로 하는 AI 읽기 어시스턴트를 지원합니다.

개선 사항

  • 많은 작은 세부 사항의 수정 및 개선;
  • 특정 상황에서 발생할 수 있는 충돌 문제 해결.

Version 9.2.0

November 1


  • This update will force some versions to upgrade because it fixes the crash issue that might happen in certain situations. It also upgrades the membership benefits and the trial plan to give you a better product experience;
  • Support creating custom dynamic stamp;
  • Support previewing merge effect;
  • Support selecting file content for quick editing;
  • Support sorting file the list by name, last edited time, and size.


  • Optimize document sharing experience;
  • Optimize the experience of adding stamp;
  • Optimize screenshot tool drawing experience;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 9.1.5

October 31


  • Support creating custom dynamic stamp;
  • Support previewing merge effect;
  • Support selecting file content for quick editing;
  • Support sorting file list by name, last edited time and size.


  • Support for importing trusted certificates;
  • Optimize document sharing experience;
  • Optimize the experience of adding stamp;
  • Optimize screenshot tool drawing experience;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 9.1.0

September 15


  • Support for searching Wikipedia within software;
  • Support screenshots, batch processing system widgets;
  • Support trial users to translate words by scratching.


  • Optimize page thumbnail dragging effect;
  • Optimize the experience of adding watermark;
  • Optimize the default setting of comment style;
  • Optimize the effect of dragging and copying pages;
  • Optimize the experience of inserting pages;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 9.0.11

August 26


  • Support for importing trusted certificates;
  • Support for switching interface language;
  • Optimize conversion window settings;
  • Optimize the experience of merging PDFs;
  • Optimize the rights of registered users;
  • Optimize user center interface design;
  • Optimize the experience of adding text;
  • Optimize the experience of clearing digital signatures.

Version 9.0.8

August 12


  • Support for clearing all recent files;
  • Support for customizing the image size;
  • Optimize the experience of clearing digital signatures;
  • Optimize split page, replace page and insert page window;
  • Optimize the experience of sharing files;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that may happen in certain situations.

Version 9.0.5

August 5


  • Optimize default print settings;
  • Optimize the OCR recognition setting;
  • Optimize the digital signature;
  • Optimize the advanced search experience;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 9.0.4

July 27


  • Support to rename files during merging PDF;
  • Support to go to the previous or next view;
  • Support to shrink the menu ribbon by double-click;
  • Optimize the experience of opening files from PDFelement Cloud;
  • Optimize the quick tools in the Start Page.


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 9.0.3

July 21


  • Support to set PDFelement as the default software;
  • Optimize the experience of buying PDFelement.


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 9.0.0

July 14


  • Visual Upgrade: a new user interface helps you to enjoy a larger reading space, a more immersive reading experience, and more convenient view settings. Update user interface to improve usability and product experience.
  • Optimize the navigation bar to be more user-friendly.
  • Performance enhancement: a 45%+ faster-rendering speed while opening PDF compared to the old version.
  • More advanced features.

Version 8.4.13

July 4


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.4.11

June 21


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.4.7

June 1


  • Add shortcut entrances of OCR and Extract Data;


  • Optimize the Save As strategy;
  • Optimize handwriting signature;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.4.5

May 23


  • Support to set page background;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.4.4

May 19


  • Optimize the upgrade strategy;
  • Optimize the search function;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.4.2

May 10


  • Support to drag email attachments to combine;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.4.0

April 26


  • Support to add rich text comments;
  • Support to filter comments;
  • Support to draw in the snapshot;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.18

April 07


  • Support to open files in a separate window;


  • Optimize handwriting signature;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.16

March 16


  • Support to create ruler guides;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.14

March 03


  • Support to grid view preference setting;
  • Support to merging odd and even pages in the scan;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.12

February 17


  • Add color absorber function;
  • Support paragraph spacing setting;
  • Support form time field;
  • Support combine PDF from open files;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.10

January 20


  • Add grid view function;
  • Support to locking comment;
  • Support to setting bookmark's font to bold and italic;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.8

January 11


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.6

December 28


  • Added option that the file save path is the source folder;


  • Optimized the function of thumbnail preview in Explorer;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.5

December 14


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.3

December 8


  • Added the function of deleting signature appearance and signature certificate;


  • Optimized the issue that there is no reminder after the multi-tab document is closed;
  • Fix the the issue that OCR cannot remember the last setting
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.2

December 3


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.3.0

November 23


  • Added the function of measure tools.


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.25

November 11


  • Support to thumbnail preview in Explorer.
  • Added the double-sided printing feature.


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.23

October 28


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.21

October 25


  • Added the function of deleting all blank pages from a single document with one click.
  • Added the intelligent customer service.


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.19

October 15


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.17

October 12


  • Added the function of deleting pages after extracting.


  • Optimized the function of selecting all text;
  • Optimized the function search;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.15

September 17


  • Added function search.
  • Added template mall.


  • Optimized the printing function;
  • Optimized the screenshot function;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.13

August 31


  • Support to print current view.


  • Optimize the handwritten signature;
  • Optimize the shortcut keys of some functions;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.11

August 19


  • Support to insert multiple PDF documents in one PDF;
  • Support to convert PDF documents to JPEG format;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.9

August 5


  • Support Dark Mode;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.8

July 29


  • Add the Layer feature.


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 8.2.7

July 16


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.2.5

July 13


  • Added the function of creating a PDF document from clipboard;
  • Added the function of saving documents as recent folders;
  • Added the function of searching multiple documents at once;


  • Solved the problem that the initial view position of the created document was incorrect;
  • Solved the problem that the document bookmarks did not jump correctly;
  • Solved the problem that saving did not take effect after recognizing the selected area of the scanned image;
  • Solved the problem that PDF Portfolio did not remember the last preview status;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;

Version 8.2.3

July 5


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.2.2

June 29


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.2.0

June 17


  • Add the file comparison feature;
  • Support to turning page by shortcut key in full-screen mode;
  • Support to adding jpeg and jpe format images in editing mode;


  • Fixed the issue that modifying some settings of printer would not work;
  • Fixed the issue that pencil object disappeared caused by saving document while using eraser;
  • Solved the problem that changing comment font sometimes does not work;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.1.11

May 27


  • Support to OneDrive and Box cloud storage;
  • Support inserting images into PDF document thumbnail as new pages;
  • Support to HWPX format files;


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.1.9

May 13


  • Add the preview window plug-in for file explorer;
  • Solved the issue of incorrect undo after moving note annotations;


  • Fixed the issue of interface lag caused by slowly reading properties of some printers;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.1.7

April 28


  • Support to PDF Portfolio;


  • Optimized the settings of pencil feature;
  • Improved the properties settings of stamp;
  • Fixed the issue that turning page is not accurate;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.1.6

April 21


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.1.4

April 14


  • Support to handwritten signature;


  • Fixed the issue that the added stamp cannot zoom;
  • Fixed the issue that turning page is not accurate;
  • Fixed the abnormal problem of opening the product in the high-resolution screen;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.1.2

March 31


  • Support to open documents in multiple windows;
  • Add the function of text callout;


  • Fix the issue that images, comments, and form controls do not scale equally;
  • Fix the issue that multiple monitors don't display titles when windows are maximized on secondary screen;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.1.0

March 18


  • Support to the XFA forms;
  • Add the function of default settings for custom signatures;
  • Support to synchronize the comment/attachment list with the body object selection state;
  • Add the function of printing in batch;


  • Fixed the issue of splitting failure caused by the overlong filename when splitting a document;
  • Fixed the issue of character limits when adding bookmarks;
  • Optimized the order of the Tab key jump in the page box window.

Version 8.0.23

February 25


  • Fixed the issue of the incorrect print number of copies;
  • Fixed the problem with long text ToolTip displaying flashing;
  • Repaired the issue that selected text could not be unchecked;
  • Fixed the problem that dragging across-text blocks does not show the insert cursor;
  • Fixed the issue that pages ending in "/" "\" did not have a filename when printing pages;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Optimized the calculation of the width and height size of the image rotation when creating a PDF;
  • Optimized the issue that mouse wheel scrolls too many lines when viewing pages;

Version 8.0.18

January 28


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.16

January 21


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.13

January 7


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.12

December 30


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.8

December 24


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.7

December 22


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.5

December 17


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.2

December 9


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.1

December 2


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.0

November 28


  • Adopt new information framework, interaction design and UI vision;
  • Added cloud storage function and electronic signature access.


  • Improve software startup speed and document opening speed.

Version 7.6.10

October 30


  • Add the document title attribute for the Print function.


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.6.4

August 19


  • Improved the Print module;
  • Fix the issue of inaccurate position in some certain documents areas after OCR;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.6.1

July 1


  • Improved the title bar to expose the Wondershare brand;
  • Improved the "Search and Replace" interface;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.6.0

June 16


  • Support recognizing selected area using OCR.


  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.5.7

May 29


  • Support to save PDF as PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, and PDF/A-3u;
  • Support to generate new catalog page from bookmarks when combining files.


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.5.5

May 15


  • Support to batch create PDF files at once;


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.5.4

April 30


  • Support to remove watermarks from PDF in batch.


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.5.3

April 15


  • Support to add a Callout on PDF Document.


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.5.1

March 31


  • Support to create, combine, and convert PDF files by right-clicking.


  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.5.0

March 18


  • Added the Flatten File feature.


  • Improving the properties of Appearance that makes it graphically visualized;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.4.6

February 25


  • In this new version, PDFelement introduces the world-leading PDF conversion technology, which improves the conversion quality greatly by more than 50%.

Version 7.4.4

January 15


  • Support to display fonts in the document properties.


  • Improve the display effect result when converted from Office to PDF;
  • Fix the problem that the file size gets bigger after splitting;
  • Fix the problem that the file name is too long and cannot be created;
  • Fix the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 7.3.0

November 14


  • Improved the display effects of the product on an HD screen;
  • Improved the interactions for activating the product;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 7.1.6

October 22


  • Add "User Feedback" entry to the Help menu for users to report product issues at any time.


  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 7.1.4

October 16


  • Fixed the issue that custom stamps unable to save;
  • Fix an issue where the inline fonts cannot be displayed in some documents;
  • Fix an issue where the current file name is displayed incorrectly on the title bar;
  • Remove the transparency color option of the Text Box;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 7.0.4

August 14


  • Revised the pop-up copy that registered device limit has been reached;
  • Fixed the software not-responding issue caused by password protection;
  • Fixed an issue where the watermark appears in the source document when saving.

Version 7.0.3

July 8


  • Fixed an issue where WSID automatically logout in some cases;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situation;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 7.0.2

June 25


  • Improved the performance of PDF conversion to other file formats;
  • Added support for new keyboard shortcuts to perform common actions quickly;
  • Optimized the display efficiency when zooming PDF files, and user experience in reading PDF files;
  • Addressed some of the localization issues in German, French, Italian, Spanish and other multi-language versions;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situation;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 7.0.1

June 18


  • New UI - Redesigned UI and icons to reflect the simple and powerful experiences of PDFelement.


  • Optimized the display efficiency when zooming PDF files, and user experience in reading PDF files.
  • Shortcut Keys - Added support for new keyboard shortcuts to perform common actions quickly;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situation;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details;
  • Powerful Conversion - Convert PDFs to a wide range of office formats without losing font and formatting.

Version 7.0.0

May 28


  • New UI - Redesigned UI and icons to reflect the simple and powerful experiences of PDFelement;
  • Wondershare ID - Get the flexibility to provision, track, and manage to license across groups and teams;
  • AutoSave - Save your file automatically, every few seconds, as you work;
  • Cloud Connection - Open PDF document from cloud storage directly;
  • Import and Export Comments - Import comments from existing PDFs or export them to share with others;
  • Tab Rename - Added option to assign a user-friendly name to any selected tab.


  • Optimized Reading Mode - Maximize your screen for the optimal reading of PDF files with the new UI;
  • Improved Speed - Open large documents faster with an improved rendering and processing technology;
  • Shortcut Keys - Added support for new keyboard shortcuts to perform common actions quickly;
  • Quick Add - Drag and drop PDF document into an open document;
  • Other feature enhancements, improved stability, and bug fixes included.

Version 6.8.10

April 24


  • Solved the problem of displaying black and white effects after performing color printing that might happen in some printers;
  • Support to set PDFelement as the Default PDF Opener on Windows 10;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 6.8.9

March 21


  • Support to add or update multi-line header & footer;
  • Compatible with Config file of Adobe Custom Stamps;
  • Adapted to the new digital signature rules of PDF 2.0.


  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 6.8.6

November 29


  • Support to sign digitally with stamp;
  • Support to add images in forms;
  • Support to copy/paste forms and comments among different documents;


  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 6.8.4

October 25


  • New Office plugin, which supports to create PDF documents from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint directly.


  • Optimized the program update process to improve the user experience and success rate;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situation.

Version 6.8.0

June 28


  • Support subtract and divide for form calculation;
  • Support to print with different units of page size.


  • Change the default open file path and save file path as the same as last time;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situation.


August 5


  • Improved user experience with touchpad;
  • Updated OCR engine with more languages supported, virtual server adapted, and recognition accuracy enhanced;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situation.

Version 6.6.2

May 9


  • Fixed an issue which might cause the program to crash when closing some documents;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen during opening XFA documents;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 6.6.0

April 26


  • Optimized the display efficiency when zooming PDF files, and user experience in reading PDF files.

Version 6.5.0

March 23


  • Added Message Center feature;
  • Added the shortcut key to delete images using Backspace key.


  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

버전 10.0.0

8월 17일


  • PDFelement V10을 소개합니다 – AI로 구동되는 최고의 스마트 PDF 솔루션!
  • PDF에 AI의 힘을 활용해보세요! 맞춤형 지원 경험: AI와의 맞춤형 상호작용에 참여하여 귀하의 고유한 선호도에 맞는 맞춤형 지원과 프롬프트를 받으세요.
  • AI 기반 문서 전문 지식: AI의 광범위한 지식에 액세스하여 모든 PDF 관련 문의를 정확하게 해결하세요. 세션을 원활하게 시작하고 액세스하여 세션 기록을 쉽게 추적할 수 있습니다.
  • 완벽한 PDF를 위한 AI 터치업: 손쉽게 문서의 결점을 확보하고 한 번의 클릭으로 가치 있는 개선 제안을 교정하고 받아보세요.
  • 간편한 글로벌 번역: 문서를 원활하게 번역하여 전 세계 사용자의 가독성을 높입니다.
  • 몰입형 AI 읽기 모드: 참여도를 새로운 차원으로 끌어올리는 AI 지원 독서 경험에 푹 빠져보세요. 간소화된 AI 요약: 콘텐츠 요약을 위한 간단하고 효율적인 프로세스를 즐겨보세요.
  • 포괄적인 PDF 기능의 세계를 공개하세요! 고급 전자 서명: 클라우드, 모바일 및 데스크톱 플랫폼 전반에서 쉽게 전자 서명을 요청, 추적 및 적용합니다. 향상된 PDF 관리: 최근 PDF에 신속하게 액세스하여 최근 폴더 내 구성을 단순화합니다.
  • 최적화된 압축 효율성: 문서 압축 효율성을 10% 향상시키기 위해 압축 기능을 극대화합니다.
  • 원활한 문서 렌더링: 원활하고 시각적으로 즐거운 보기를 위해 향상된 문서 렌더링을 경험해 보세요.
  • 자동 북마크 생성: 북마크를 자동으로 감지 및 생성하여 손쉽게 탐색할 수 있습니다.
  • 맞춤형 페이지 크기 옵션: 특정 페이지 범위에 대한 지원을 제공하고 페이지 크기를 표준화하며 빠른 미리 보기 효과를 제공합니다.
  • 손쉬운 배치 작업: PDF 파일 크기를 줄이고 다양한 형식의 PDF를 더욱 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다.
  • 현대적인 경험을 위한 최첨단 UI 시각적 우수성: 시각적 상호 작용을 재정의하는 최첨단 UI 디자인에 푹 빠져보세요.
  • 통합된 시각적 디자인: 새로운 제품 UI는 Windows와 Mac 모두에서 원활하게 작동하여 여러 장치에서 일관된 시각적 효과를 보장하고 다중 장치 사용자의 학습 곡선을 줄여줍니다.
  • 적응형 탐색 모음: 원하는 대로 왼쪽 탐색 모음을 접거나 오른쪽 탐색 모음을 고정하여 읽기 영역을 맞춤설정하세요..
  • PDFelement V10으로 업그레이드하고 이제 비교할 수 없는 수준의 AI 기반 효율성과 생산성을 수용하십시오! 참고: 영구 라이센스 사용자의 경우 PDFelement 10으로 업그레이드하는 데 추가 비용이 청구될 수 있습니다.

버전 9.5.8

7월 21일

개선 사항

  • 초보자 가이드 및 사용자 가이드북 업데이트;
  • 확대 및 축소를 위한 맞춤형 입력값 지원;
  • 최근 사용자 피드백 문제를 수정하여 제품 안정성을 더욱 향상시킵니다.

버전 9.5.7

7월 6일


  • 설정에서 클라우드 동기화를 활성화하여 문서를 클라우드에 자동으로 업로드할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

개선 사항

  • 보다 지능적이고 정확한 번역 결과를 지원하기 위해 번역을 최적화합니다;
  • 편집 및 인쇄를 최적화하여 사용자 사용의 유창함을 더욱 향상시킵니다..

버전 9.5.5

6월 26일


  • 그래픽 도구에 대해 테두리 없음 스타일 지원;
  • 하이라이트 도구에 지원되는 불투명도 설정;
  • 사용자 조작이 용이하도록 문서의 확대 및 축소 버튼 위치를 조정했습니다.

버전 9.5.0

5월 31일


  • 문서를 더 잘 이해할 수 있도록 AI 독서 도우미와의 채팅 지원 (ChatGPT 제공);
  • 단락이나 단어의 의미를 설명하는 AI 기반 지원(ChatGPT 제공);
  • 하단 이동 표시줄에 이전 보기 및 다음 보기 버튼을 추가했습니다.

개선 사항

  • 최근 사용자 피드백 문제를 수정하여 제품 안정성을 더욱 향상시켰습니다..

버전 9.4.1

3월 31일


  • 평가판 사용자는 도큐멘트 클라우드에 액세스하면 무료 5G 공간을 제공;
  • PDF 템플릿을 지원하고, PDF를 생성하거나 다운로드할 수 있는 풍부한 템플릿 몰 리소스를 제공;
  • 텍스트를 선택하면 즉시 번역 지원;
  • 메시지 표시줄에 팁을 표시하거나 숨기도록 사용자 정의 지원.

개선 사항

  • 더 나은 읽기 경험을 위해 편집 및 마크업 모드를 최적화 및 재정렬;
  • 사용자가 빠른 도구 모음을 쉽게 사용자 정의할 수 있도록 초보자 안내서 최적화;
  • 최근 사용자 피드백 문제를 수정하여 제품 안정성을 더욱 향상시켰습니다.

Version 9.2.0

November 23


  • Support password protection for sharing documents;
  • Support custom the show or hidden of messages;
  • Support User Guide Book for better editing experience;
  • Added member benefits and free trial mechanism.


  • Optimized the UI of PDFelement Cloud;
  • Optimized the upload conflict of the same files;
  • Fixed some issues that may cause crashes;
  • Fixed some known bugs.

Version 9.1.5

October 26


  • Support sharing the documents by QR code;
  • Optimized prompt of the link-sharing;
  • Optimized the interactive experience of purchase;
  • Fixed some issues that may cause crashes;
  • Fixed some known bugs.

Version 9.0.8

August 12


  • Support for clearing all recent files;
  • Support for customizing the image size;
  • Optimize the experience of clearing digital signatures;
  • Optimize split page, replace page and insert page window;
  • Optimize the experience of sharing files;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details;
  • Fix the crash issue that may happen in certain situations.

Version 9.0.0

July 14


  • Visual upgrade: The whole new interface is clearer and more user-friendly, allowing users to customize the display including the dark and light mode, sidebar, and icon text.
  • More advanced features.

Version 8.6.8

May 26


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.6.7

May 13


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 8.6.6

May 07


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.6.5

April 15


  • Add the new shape of Markup;
  • Support to show or hide comments;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.6.4

March 25


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.6.2

February 23


  • Supports exporting all pages as a single image;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.5.11

January 13


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.5.10

January 10


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.5.8

December 16


  • Add the file comparison feature.

Version 8.5.7

November 24


  • Add the attachment feature;
  • Add the cloud storage function so as to transfer files;


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.5.5

November 4


  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.5.4

October 26


  • The welcome page has been redesigned and added some functional entrances.

Version 8.5.3

October 14


  • Support two document display modes: High Performance Mode and Compatibility Mode.
  • Added the Online Support function.

Version 8.5.2

September 17


  • Add the slide show feature.


  • Fix the adaptation issue of forms after rotating the page.

Version 8.5.1

September 10


  • Optimize the font editing feature;
  • Improve the product stability.

Version 8.5.0

August 24


  • Add new shape of Markup.


  • Fix the issue with custom signature;
  • Fix the issue of page rotation;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.4

August 17


  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situations;
  • Corrections and improvements in many small details.

Version 8.0.0

June 21


  • Support right click menu;
  • Added multi-label feature;
  • Added the touchpad signature feature and support creating multiple signatures;
  • Added more batch processing options to the page-organize module, and page editing is more accurate;
  • Support Dark Mode;


  • Brand-new UI, more concise style;
  • Optimize user process and office efficiency;
  • Optimize the list of recent files, add more views and document sorting methods to efficiently manage documents;
  • Optimize the comment and bookmark list with more information;
  • Fix known issues.

Version 7.6.8

March 10


  • Fix the garbled problem of rendering embedded text font and the issue of print losing;
  • Repair an issue that the module of document optimization compression would generate incorrect bold text effects;
  • Fix a mismatch between the input character and the actual input character in the special file;
  • Solve the problem of random crash when clipping the pages;
  • Fix the crash issue when adding headers and footers;
  • Solve the inaccurate problem of form calculation when the European standard decimal point and thousandth place style character displayed;
  • Optimize the problem that the effect of compressing documents is not obvious;
  • Improved the product performance and fixed some certain crashes.

Version 6.8.2

December 3


  • Support the latest macOS Big Sur.

Version 7.6.7

September 28


  • Enhanced the compatibility of the macOS Big Sur Beta.

Version 7.6.6

July 29


  • Support to use the delete key on the Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad to delete when editing text.


  • Fix the issue of abnormal conversion of some documents to ePub format;
  • Enhanced the management of the product memory and improved the stability of the product.

Version 7.6.5

June 23


  • The right sidebar will be hidden when reading view mode is enabled.


  • Fix the display issue of PDF documents on non-Retina screens;
  • Improve user experience when editing Korean content.

Version 7.6.2

August 5


  • Support to create PDF from scanner;
  • Support to create PDF from .heic and .heif formats.
  • Added Korean to the display language of the product.

Version 7.6.0

April 7


  • Support to tile the watermark;
  • Support to manage form fields in the Field List;
  • Support data extraction for form fields in the Batch Process.


  • Improved the performance of loading, zooming, and scrolling pages, which gives you a better reading experience;
  • Improved and enriched the options for Preferences.

Version 7.5.9

February 19


  • Fixed the issue that the editing area becomes black when editing a document;
  • Fixed the issue that there is a space cannot be deleted after entering apostrophe using Calibri;
  • Fixed an issue where pencil comments could not be erased after double-clicking the page when using the eraser;
  • Fixed the issue that highlighting annotations did not show in real time when adding.

Version 7.5.7

January 10


  • Support to convert PDF to Pages;
  • Support to set appearance for links;


  • Improved the output effects of printing.

Version 7.5.5

December 27


  • Support to set the comment toolbar on the top or on the left side in the Preferences;
  • Support to drag new documents to the opened window.


  • Fixed the problem that text is not clear on non-Retina screens;
  • Improved the text search process;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situations.

Version 7.5.4

November 21


  • Support to split PDF pages;
  • Support to select words by double-clicking.

Version 6.8.1

November 11


  • Support the latest macOS 10.15.

Version 7.5.1

October 24


  • Improved document display effects and fix the blurry issue of the content displayed in some documents;
  • Fixed the issue that some Chinese and Japanese fonts are not displayed;
  • Fixed the issue that some users failed to download OCR plugin under macOS 10.13;
  • Fixed an issue where the image cannot be displayed in some specific documents.

Version 7.3.3

October 15


  • Fixed an issue where the content is display incorrectly after performing OCR on macOS 10.15;
  • Fixed the blurry image issue on macOS 10.15;
  • Fixed an issue where the current input could not be displayed under the Japanese Input Method Editor;
  • Support to search texts and apply redaction;
  • Support advanced search function.

Version 7.3.1

August 5


  • Fixed the crash issue when using the shortcut key to exit the application on macOS 10.12;
  • Fixed the flashback problem caused by using page operations in the search function;
  • Fixed an issue where page content does not display after reopening documents under the Single Page View and Two Page View.

Version 7.2.0

September 3


  • Support to create PDF from Word, PowerPoint, and Excel formats;
  • Support to create PDF from Pages, Keynote, and Numbers formats;
  • Support to crop pages;
  • Support to redact sensitive text and images.

Version 7.0.9

August 13


  • Support to set language and page range directly when performing OCR;
  • Fixed an issue where Photoshop could not open the exported JPEG format images;
  • Fixed an issue where some rectangular annotations could not be displayed;
  • Improved the form rendering effects.

Version 7.0.5

August 5


  • Support to lock the left toolbar of the batch process list.


  • Improved the stability of the OCR function;
  • Improved the effect of adding strikethrough and underline, automatically drawing the strikethrough and underline according to the font height;
  • Improved the print preview effect.

Version 7.0.4

June 25


  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen when performing undo after paragraph editing;
  • Fixed the problem that some .PDF documents failed to open;
  • Fix the display issue of the document list in batch process;
  • Improved the form feature for smoother form adding.

Version 7.0.2

June 18


  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen when converting document with charts to Word;
  • Fixed the problem that there is no response when clicking some links;
  • Fixed the crash issue after performing OCR that might happen in some documents.

Version 7.0.1

June 12


  • Add “Log In” entry to the Home and Help menu for quick access.


  • Advanced image cropping operation, allowing users to select cropping range with more flexibility;
  • Solved the flashback issue during the launch that might happen when accessing the product page;
  • Improved the form feature with enhanced product compatibility;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen in certain situation to improve the product stability greatly.

Version 7.0.0

May 28


  • New UI - Redesigned UI and icons to reflect the simple and powerful experiences of PDFelement.

Version 6.7.11

December 7


  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen when add images or watermarks;
  • Fixed the preview issue when extract data.

Version 6.7.5

September 20


  • Support the latest macOS 10.14 Mojave.

Version 6.7.3

September 20


  • Support the latest OCR 12 plugin.


  • Fixed size increase issue when combine PDF files;
  • Fixed size increase issue when combine PDF files;
  • Fixed the coding error when add bates numbering.

Version 6.7.1

July 17


  • Fixed the display issue when open a PDF file with password;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen when redact a PDF file.

Version 6.7.0

June 28


  • Support to edit Form XObjects in PDF documents;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen when closing some PDF files with comments.

Version 6.6.3

June 13


  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen when extracting images;
  • Fixed the crash issue that might happen when deleting background.

Version 6.5.0

April 24


  • Optimized the display efficiency when zooming PDF files, and user experience in reading PDF files;
  • Fixed the crash issue that may occur when open some special documents, the stability has been greatly improved.

Version 6.4.4

March 2


  • Fixed the issue with the increased document size after adding a watermark and saving;
  • Fixed the menu gray out issue when losing focus on document;
  • Fixed the crash issue caused by font when converting PDF to another format.

Version 6.4.2

Jaunary 31


  • Fixed the issue where big PDF documents are slow to open, greatly improved the document opening speed;
  • Fixed the issue where some PDF documents are freezing to zoom, greatly improved the document display efficiency;
  • Greatly improved the user efficiency and program performance;
  • Corrections and improvements on many small details.

Version 4.6.0

August 17


  • Support eSign;
  • Support unified page size;
  • Support one-click intelligent catalog, automatically generate hyperlinks catalog bookmarks.


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 4.5.0

June 27


  • Support splitting PDF;
  • Support combining PDFs to one image.


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 4.0.0

May 5


  • PDFelement V4.0.0 version of the new upgrade ~ to bring you a different experience! This time we focus on optimizing the interaction and experience ~
  • New UI/UX, visual experience improvement;
  • Better iPad adaptation;
  • Rendering optimization, document loading speed improvement;
  • Enhanced file management capabilities, providing a more intuitive and concise task flow;


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • We will start a month-long discount campaign when the new version is launched ~ don't hesitate, gogogo!

Version 3.0.0

October 26


  • Comment and Edit PDF: Support a variety of annotation tools;optimized the experience of text and image editing;support for Hyperlinks;Support for Shapes Detection.
  • Fill & Sign: Support for customizing and importing signatures;support for inserting picture signatures and clearing the background.
  • Recognition: Support for OCR PDF, you can now edit the scanned created PDF; support Text-only Recognition, you can extract the text content of scanned created documents.
  • Support for Wondershare PDFelement Cloud, register to get 1G cloud space.


  • Optimized the experience of login and registration, scanning, reading and other features.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 2.0.9

May 27


  • Support Wondershare Cloud, register Wondershare ID and get 1G cloud storage for free;


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 2.0.6

April 8


  • Support auto-save;


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 2.0.4

March 15


  • Support Form;


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 2.0.3

March 9


  • Support Color Picker and Color Wells;
  • Support Marker;


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 2.0.2

February 27


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 2.0.1

January 18


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 2.0.0

January 4


  • Tools, including Convert, Watermark, PDF Optimizer, Merge, Compress and other features.
  • More convenient document management.
  • Optimized interface views for Edit, Annotate and Page organize.

Version 1.2.10

December 16


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.8

November 16


  • New feature - Convert, help you convert PDF to other formats!
  • New feature - Crop, you can crop PDF document pages individually or in batches!


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.6

November 1


  • Provide Watermark, you can add or remove watermark to the PDF files now!


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.5

October 14


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.4

September 30


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.3

September 23


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.2

September 16


  • Optimized process of creating PDF by scanning.
  • Optimized swipe browsing.
  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.1

September 9


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.1

August 26


  • You can insert pictures through the camera now.


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.2.0

August 19


  • Supports shortcuts on iPad;
  • Show PDFelement in the share list.


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.1.12

August 9


  • Show the PDFelement-iCloud folder on the application homepage.


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.1.10

August 2


  • Support insert pages by swiping.


  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.1.6

March 16


  • Improve the performance of file management;
  • Fix multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.1.5

March 16


  • Support inserting new pages through camera scanning;
  • Support long-press the "Add Text" button to set the default attributes of the text;


  • Optimize search performance and display effect;
  • Enhanced text selection function;
  • Repair multiple defects and improve application stability.

Version 1.1.4

March 1


  • Support to edit metadata of the document.


  • Improved product stability.

Version 1.1.3

February 23


  • Optimized the support for Apple Pencil;
  • Enhanced the support for documents with forms;
  • Improved product stability.

Version 1.1.2

February 5


  • Support to merge multiple pictures into PDF documents.


  • Greatly improve product stability.

Version 1.1.1

January 29


  • Support to merge multiple PDF documents into one PDF document;
  • Support to flatten the annotations and form content in the PDF document. After the flattening operation, the integrity of the PDF document's content in the distribution process is guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Version 1.1.0

January 21


  • Added the function of document compression optimization.


  • Optimized the support for Apple Pencil.

Version 1.0.10

December 14


  • Support iCloud access;
  • Support multiple selection operations for text and pictures;
  • Support to full-screen reading mode;
  • Detection and update operations have been added to the settings so that every user can quickly update to the latest version.


  • Optimize the fluency of scanning and creating documents.

Version 1.0.9

December 14


  • Optimize the process of obtaining authorization after purchase to solve the problem of authorization failure.

Version 1.0.7

December 4


  • Support long pressing the blank area to add notes.


  • Optimize OneDrive access;
  • Fix multiple problems that can cause product crashes, and further improve product stability.

Version 1.0.6

December 1


  • Support scrolling scroll bar to display Page thumbnail operation;
  • Support adding note content to annotation elements;
  • Support long press to select text content operation in reading mode.


  • Fix multiple problems that can cause product crashes, and further improve product stability.

Version 1.0.5

November 20


  • Support to add a handwritten signature.


  • Optimize Scan to PDF function;
  • Improved product stability.

Version 1.0.3

November 6


  • Support the copy and paste of annotation elements;
  • Support highlighting link elements to facilitate viewing them in the document;
  • Support double-clicking the page to zoom the page size.


  • Improve the stability of the product and fix some defects in the use process;
  • Product quality continues to improve, and functions continue to increase.

Version 3.0.0

October 26


  • UI new upgrade, simple and comfortable.
  • Support printing, password, organization page, reading view settings and other new features.
  • Support Wondershare Cloud, register Wondershare ID and get 1G cloud storage space for free.


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

Version 2.0.3

October 18


  • Increase the stability of the app.

Version 2.0.1

March 5


  • Fix the program crash caused by user password verification.

Version 2.0.0

March 4


  • Adapt to Android 10;
  • Modify the file manager;
  • Fix the bug.

Version 1.3.4

October 7


  • Increase the stability of the app.
  • Support opening PDF in new window and in spilt window mode.


  • Optimize the Pencil functionality;
  • Optimize the handwriting signatures;
  • Fix the crash bug while combining documents.

Version 1.3.2

June 28


  • Support opening another document while you've already opened one;
  • Support automatic saving changes.


  • Optimize the experience of saving files;
  • Optimize the copy and paste feature in editing mode;
  • Optimize the text body editing experience;
  • Fix other bugs.

Version 1.3.1

August 5


  • Fix the issue where PDF document is failed to open from apps;
  • Fix other bugs.

Version 1.3.0

May 31


  • Fix the issue where PDF document saved in external storage cannot be opened;
  • Improve the experience in editing and exporting pages;
  • Fix other bugs.

Version 1.2.3

March 28


  • Improved experience in manageing Wondershare ID account;
  • Improved experience in copring and pasting text in PDFs;
  • Fixed some bugs.

Version 1.2.2

February 27


  • Fixed the configuration problem in Google Drive and One Drive account;
  • Fixed some other bugs;
  • Change a new App icon.

Version 1.2.0

November 23


  • Support move text field in a vertical and horizontal direction;
  • Support changing text and color;
  • Suopport log in on multiple devices with one Wondershare ID account.


  • Optimize the kernel and greatly reduce the crash rate;
  • Fixed some bugs.

Version 1.1.1

August 1


  • Add modification function of Multi-Comment;
  • Add new feature to support cloud stroke comment.


  • Reconstruct document page list;

Version 1.1.0

June 15


  • Add Privacy Policy in the App.


  • Enrich Pop-Up comment menu feature;
  • Fix chromatism issues on color scheme;
  • Fix some bugs on current version.

Version 1.0.6

May 24


  • Add Bubble Comment feature.


  • Fix some bugs on current version.
  • Re-construct bridge layer function by C++.

Version 1.0.5

March 16


  • Support multi-languages including German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish;
  • Add new annotating tool eraser.


  • Fix some bugs.

Version 1.0.4

February 8


  • Add WiFi Connection to transfer files between mobile and desktop;
  • Add new annotating tool stamp;
  • Add signature feature;
  • Support moving file thumbnails.